Monday 9 March 2009

I Got Nuthin'

So, I start a blog and then immediately my mouth runs dry and my brain dries up.....what's up with that???

I could write about so many things.

I mean, I could write about the joys of being almost 9 months pregnant and living in a caravan (too scary a story to start with), my last job which I loved but had SO much fodder for writing, my sons recent foray into martial arts (would involve a rant about bullying and parents who don't teach their drool-laden spawn to play nice) or even a bit about my past which involves a brief stint in the Royal Navy...........................BUT......................

I'm just not sure any of it would be that interesting.

Having trawled through some of my favourite blogs for the first time in almost 8 months, I'm reminded of why I had attacks of inferiority last time.

Hmmmmmm, perhaps a wee bout of swearing would clear my head of it's fugginess and let loose the creative beast's worth a try at least.

So, without further ado........and be warned, this is Scottish swearing at it's best, so be prepared......


pant pant pant

Maybe it needs a few minutes to work?

Well, in the meantime, I guess I could put up a little 'You Tube' fun....that's always good for a cheat. So here's some funky Vanessa Mae for you....oh but don't be fooled, I'm breaking you in to my EXTREMELY varied music choices gently.

If I'm not back in 5 minutes it means that my brain is infact as barren as a very very barren thing!!


  1. Rimmy said to tell you HI... I haven't read any of my favorite blogs..other than coming here in a long time.. just a few every how and then.

    I want to hear about the Navy..and about your son's martial art class.

    I'm liking the chicky on the fiddle..NICE.

  2. Hi hun,please tell the lovely Rim-boy that I said hello and to get his butt over here for a catch-up, lol.

    Just for you hunny, I shall write about the martial-arts thingy, and I'll do it tommorrow, well that is if I'm not in the middle of delivering blessed child into the world...cross your fingers for me, cos this babe is getting a tad big!
