Okay, so I've waited 9 months, went through the hell of morning sickness, swelled to the size of a dinosaur (a very pregnant one), had sore hips, insomnia and been unable to tolerate the taste of one of my favourite drinks AND had a membrane sweep (DON'T ask!).......all in anticipation of this day, when by all accounts my unborn child should be making an appearance.......
And where is said blessed kiddlet?????
Staying nice and warm and comfy inside my belly that's where, little swine!!!
*The second birth is easier* they said!
*Things will happen much quicker this time around* they said!
*Don't fret, there's NO WAY you'll go over-due this time* they said!
Lying bastards, every one of them.
Yeah, sure, I knew it wasn't a guarantee that this time I'd be spared the extra ten days of uncomfortableness, that there was no way to be sure that things would progress naturally without the need for a painfull induction.....but still, this sucks!
Let me explain just why this sucks so badly when I know there are hundreds of thousands of women across the world experiencing this dilemma with nary a peep of complaint.
When I was pregnant with my son almost 5 years ago, firstly the pregnancy wasn't great, I ended up in hospital with Hyperemesis Gravidarum....it was nasty.......then my back went as my son was doing gymnastics and my poor body didn't cope well....THEN I went 10 days past my due date and was induced.......and it was SORE my friends, REALLY sore. It lasted almost 18 hours with my almost having an emergency C-Section, but finally managing to give birth to a 10lb baby boy and tearing so badly (yes, your eyes may water) that I had to have a blood transfusion.
SO the knowledge that this baby is bigger than my last and the prospect of having to go through all that again doesn't fill me with joy. I guess I fantasised that this time, it would happen naturally...it may still be very painfull but wouldn't feel like someone was trying to rip my insides out.
Okay, I need to stop hyperventilating....apart from the fact that bending over to get my head between my knees is bloody impossible at this stage, the sight of a human-shaped pregnant hippo-like monster breathing rapidly ain't pretty.
Right, so curries, sex, gin, hot baths........any other suggestions for making this happen a little more spontaneously????
Pretty please?